


江争博士被聘为精密工程中心的客座研究员(后附个人简介),集成所徐国卿所长为其颁发了聘书。随后,江博士给大家做了一场精彩的报告,报告题目:Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Mechanical Watch. ——2009.9.17





Dr.Ching Tom Kong

Bio: Dr.Kong,Ching(Tom) received his BS,MS and PhD in mechanical engineering from University of California,Los Angeles. Since 1992, he worked as mechanical engineer in Science Center,Rockwell International Corporation,California. Before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dr.Kong worked for GE Fanuc Automation Americas,Virginia in developing advance motion controller. Since 2006,Dr.Kong joined the Dept.of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as Research Assistanct Professor. He was the deputy director of the Institue of Precision Engineering, and the deputy project coordinator of a HKD $60 million ITF project, which was one of the largest funded ITF project in Hong Kong. Dr.Kong was also the founder of various companies such as PSP Security (www.pspsecurity.com). In July 209,Dr.Kong created MicroTechne Research & Development Center Ltd. His research interests include motion control, facial recognition, intelligent video, and advanced manufacturing technology.

Report: Advanced manufacturing technology for mechanical movement.

Abstract: Hong Kong's watch manufacturing industry is the second largest in the world. Contributing some 45.6 billion dollars per year, it is also the 4th largest industry sector in the region. Clearly, the wellbeing of this industry is very important. Recognizing the need to sustain the growth, the industry, the government and the universities / institutes have decided to join force. Commissioned by the industry, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) aimed at developing technologies and resources (including production facility and manpower) to design and build mechanical watch movements. We will illustrate the detailed development of the project, including the project management, the selected R&D projects, and the deliverables.