Research Project-Center for Precision Engineering

Research Project

Precision Metal Forming Technology

•    The world’s first Waterjet incremental sheet metal forming machine

•    The world’s first hull surface incremental sheet metal forming press

•    Electro-hydraulicforming technology study

•    A new kind method of manufacturing regular cellular metal, based on the sheet metal stamping process

Industrial robots/Specialized robots

•    SCARArobot

•    6-DOF industrial robot

•    Wall climbing robot for ship hull derusting

•    CNC jewelry machine

•    Robot System for Polishing & Grinding

•     RV reducer for robot

Precision Detection Technology

•    Mobile Phone spectrometer which fills up the domestic gap

•    Miniature spectral sensing and imaging

    Multidimensionalforce sensing technology

   Waterject ISMF machine                                         Manufacturingregular cellular metal

                              Wall-climbingrobot for ship hull derusting                                                RobotSystem for Polishing & Grinding

                            Mobilephone spectrometer                                     CNC jewelry machine


                   Sof tUV-imprint system and imprinted concave grating                                          Micro-spectrometer

Selected Paper Publications

[1]   Q.Y Zuo, K. He, H. Mao, X.B. Dang, R.X. Du. Manufacturingprocess and mechanical properties of a novel periodic cellular metal withclosed cubic structure, Materials & Design, 153, 242-258, 2018. (JCR-Q1)

[2]   F.F. Zhang, K. He, X.B. Dang, R.X. Du. Experimental andnumerical study on one flexible incremental bending process, Int. J. Adv.Manuf. Technol., 96(5), 2643-2655, 2018. (JCR-Q2)

[3]   C. Ma, H. Lin, G.D. Zhang, R.X. Du. Digital micro-mirrordevice based multispectral imaging using compressed Fourier spectrum. OpticsCommunications, 426, 348-358, 2018. (JCR-Q2)